The Photography Business Benchmark QUIZ

Discover The Eight Core Areas Of A Successful Photography Business And Evaluate Where YOU Need To Improve.

How Balanced is your Photography business?

Take our FREE quiz to learn which areas of your business you’ve been neglecting, what areas you are excelling in and which parts of your business needs improvement.
The Photography Business Benchmark QUIZ

Are you ready to take the test?

So who is this Mark guy anyway & why should I listen?

Hi there! I'm Mark Rossetto, Photography Business Coach & Master Photographer.

I’ve built a Photography Business from the ground up to be one of Melbourne’s most successful portrait and wedding studios photographing more than 500 families and turning over $750,000 per year.

And it all started in my garage!

I know what works and I know what doesn’t. And I want to share with you EVERYTHING I know.

I’m by no means a “business” guru. I’m simply a photographer and business owner … like YOU.

I’ve worked with photographers across all photography genres and throughout the world. Photographers, like you, who have gone all in and seen HUGE success.

And I would love to do the same for you!

So go ahead. Take the next step and I will see you on the other side.

The Proof? Check out what some of our students have to say!

What are you waiting for? Let's do this!